
移动电话: 151-0010-7554

地址: 河北 石家庄市 栾城县东许营(308国道环城水系向东1500米)

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时间:2018/8/2 17:25:39 点击:1729次

Hebei bridge to tell you when the design of the bridge must be paid attention to: the size of the bridge can be designed to determine, the construction of the people will not be in charge of the design, the design is more large, and people will be ordered to order. If you meet the experience of the construction, when you see the design bridge is small, it will be good to ask the design, and then verify, meet no experience, it will not be asked. The result is that the bridge will be too small. Even if the cable is fully loaded, it will not be able to cover it.



移 动 电 话: 151-0010-7554 邮 箱 地 址:976015223@qq.com

地址: 河北 石家庄市 栾城县东许营(308国道环城水系向东1500米)


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